Eka Bagrationi

Work Experience
2024 - Radiologist, Jordania Medical Center
2017 - Present - Radiologist, LLC "Hera"
2016-2017 - Radiologist, "Karaps Medline"
2014 - Present - Radiologist, LLC "Pineo Medical Ecosystem"
2014-2016 - Radiologist, I. Jordania Institute of Human Reproduction
2012-2014 - Radiologist, ultrasound obstetrics-gynecology, neurosonography in newborns, LLC "New Life"
2008 - Present - Radiologist, LLC "Perinatology"
2003-2012 - Radiologist, Acad. O. Gudadze National Medical Center
1996-2003 - Radiologist, Railway Women's Consultation
1997 - Grady Memorial Hospital, postgraduate course, radiology in obstetrics-gynecology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
2003 - St. Petersburg Medical Academy, modern diagnostic methods in newborns, postgraduate course in neurosonography.
2006 - University of Houston, Hermann Hospital Memorial Hospital, postgraduate course, radiology in obstetrics-gynecology, Houston, Texas, USA.
1990-1996 - Tbilisi State Medical University, pediatrician.
Contact Info
032 2 24 32 32
Work Experience
2024 - Radiologist, Jordania Medical Center
2017 - Present - Radiologist, LLC "Hera"
2016-2017 - Radiologist, "Karaps Medline"
2014 - Present - Radiologist, LLC "Pineo Medical Ecosystem"
2014-2016 - Radiologist, I. Jordania Institute of Human Reproduction
2012-2014 - Radiologist, ultrasound obstetrics-gynecology, neurosonography in newborns, LLC "New Life"
2008 - Present - Radiologist, LLC "Perinatology"
2003-2012 - Radiologist, Acad. O. Gudadze National Medical Center
1996-2003 - Radiologist, Railway Women's Consultation
1997 - Grady Memorial Hospital, postgraduate course, radiology in obstetrics-gynecology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
2003 - St. Petersburg Medical Academy, modern diagnostic methods in newborns, postgraduate course in neurosonography.
2006 - University of Houston, Hermann Hospital Memorial Hospital, postgraduate course, radiology in obstetrics-gynecology, Houston, Texas, USA.
1990-1996 - Tbilisi State Medical University, pediatrician.
Contact Info
032 2 24 32 32
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Zhordania Medical Centre
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Saturday: 10:00-15:00
Every day: 09:00-18:00
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Zhordania Medical Centre
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Saturday: 10:00-15:00
Every day: 09:00-18:00
Reception: 24 hours